We set up rules. I know we did. But seriously, the dress was really, really short and the matching panties were really, really pretty. I didn't think he'd mind. Really. He's the one who wanted me to wear the little red dress over to dinner at his brother's house. He's allowed me to wear panties with short dresses before! I guessed he wouldn't want his brother to get a glimpse of me my treasure chest. Guess who was wrong. That's right - me. He knew. He told me he knew. From the moment I walked out of the bedroom, got in the car, greeted his brother. He knew I was wearing panties. Does he say anything then? No. Instead, he waits until we're at the dinner table all seated and happy. THEN he calmly informs his brother that I've broken one of our rules. Right then my face went as red as my dress. His brother, calmly cutting his steak, suggests that Mr. Mister take care of the problem right away. It simply won't due to allow rules to go broken. Mr. agrees. He makes me stand up and bend
over - right there. He pulls down my panties, holds my hands against the small of my back and gives me ten - TEN - hard spankings. THEN he checks my treasure and sure enough, I'm dripping wet! He stuffs the panties in his pocket and then orders me to sit back down and finish dinner. OMFG!!! I could not have been more humiliated. Or so I thought. The two of them go on to sedately discuss what further punishment would be appropriate. They decide - right in front of me - that a good ass fucking is in order. This will serve to remind me that my ass is HIS. I'm crying now because I'm so embarrassed. Mr. tells me to finish my dinner then I'm to clear the table while he and his brother enjoy a brandy. Finally, the evening ends and we head home. Mr. Mister says not a word on the drive, but whistles happily. Seriously!! My bum is still a bit tender and I know better than to argue at this point. When we get home he tells me to strip and get on the bed, belly down. NOW. I follow his order in record time. I keep apologizing and promising to follow the rules from now on. He says he believes me but I'm still getting a good ass fucking. He gets out the lube - not the regular stuff in the bedside drawer, but the stuff he uses for punishment - the lube that he keeps in the fridge! He fills me up and, without further ado fucks me. Hard. He touches nothing but my ass. He tells me that if I cum, He'll spank me again. I'm crying, wanting so badly to orgasm. Thankfully, he cums deep in my ass. I'm so frustrated I could scream - which is just what he wants! So, have I learned my lesson? You bet your sweet ass I have!
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