Red and white. Those are the only colors I will be wearing next to my skin for a while. I know they are unusual colors for lent, but this is what HoH has decreed and so this is what will happen. Actually, I may wear only white underclothing but I will also be allowed to accessorize with red - more to the point, HE will be accessorize with red.
Lent is a time of sacrifice and deep thinking and so it shall be in our household. My ass, my thighs, my breasts, the backs of my legs, one or all will be spanked, caned, or slapped each morning until my skin has reached the color HoH desires. Each morning, after I shower He will come to me, decide where I will be reddened, decided which implement He will use. While He is deciding, I will administer to his cock, suckling, caressing, kissing. When He decides, I will present myself to him as He chooses - across his lap, bent over a chair, bound to bed. When my skin has reached a satisfactory color, He may choose to make love to me or not. Then, I will go on with my morning activities - making breakfast, putting the kitchen to rights - while he dresses for work.
I will go about my day, wearing only white undergarments next to my reddened skin and I remember I am loved and cared for and I will know my place in the universe. No matter how crazy the world is, I will know I am thought of and important and essential and respected because I am His.

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