So, I tried to pull my skirt down. Wrong move. He opened the car door, pushed my shoulders down, my skirt up. Now I was fully exposed if anyone were to pull up next to us in the parking lot. He held me down, my ass bare and up, my face red, but I knew better than to complain. I gasped as his hand came down. again. again. again. I couldn't help myself, but I began to squirm and kick my feet, dancing from one foot to the other.
He, naturally, ignored this and went right on spanking me. I heard several cars honk their horns and I cried in both pain and humiliation, knowing strangers were witness to my punishment. Finally, when my bottom was hot and my face hotter, he stopped. He told me to get in the car. I started to stand and pull my skirt down again, but he pushed it up over my hips and made me sit, my bare ass, on the leather seat. He bucked me in and kept my pussy exposed to every trucker who passed us on the highway.I begged him to let me cover myself. He sighed and said I had not learned my lesson yet. He then told me to take off my dress. Entirely. I would ride the rest of the way home totally nude.
I cried more and begged him not to make me, but his hard eyes darted at me and I knew I was trapped by my own words. He was going to hold me to our agreement.
I slipped the dress over my head and covered myself as best i could with my hands. He would have none of this. He told me to sit on my hands. Reluctantly, i did. Trucks and cars honked their horns as they passed us, seeing my nudity and my shame. He grinned, enjoying every moment of my humiliation - which I so richly deserved. Luckily, we have an attached garage, so i was not forced to walk into our home nude for all the neighbors to see.
Now, I am still nude. He has denied me clothing for the next twenty four hours. He will also, he tells me, spank me for five minutes every hour and, within the time of my nudity, cum in every hole. Only then, and only if I have behaved to his satisfaction, will I be allowed a dress again.
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