Since my exposure out in the woods, I've behaved well. Mr. Mister has given me back my full wardrobe sans underclothing! He's thrown all of mine out - which, in truth, I don't mind. I have never really splurged on lingerie and generally buy cotton briefs and the cheapest bra possible. No more. For the next fortnight, if I do not misbehave, I will "earn" one complete lingerie set which he has purchased for me. Each set is matching and beautiful! I've seen them all.Corsets (which I've never worn before!) lace, satin, sexy, demure, garter belts, stockings, you name it! Each one a thing of beauty and just my size. I earned my first set yesterday.

On maintenance days - every Monday - if I accept his hand willingly and in a pleasing, submissive manner - I will earn a lovely, lovely nightgown. He's shown me the first 'reward'. It looks like it's straight out of a 1940's movie! Satin, flowing, white. So, today I plan to be ready for his homecoming. Dinner is in the crockpot, a fresh pie is cooling on the counter, the house is cleaned and I am ready and waiting for his authority. I really thought I'd be resentful of his control, but I'm not. All through the day I've hummed and smiled for no reason. Guess what. There is a reason- I'm happy! I look forward to my rewards, but more, I look forward to the warm look in his eyes when I've pleased him. I look forward to seeing his cock rise at the site of me. I look forward to serving him and feeling that rush of pride and love. I look forward to all of this more than the tangible rewards.
So here I'm wait. kneeling, nude, ready to please him. No resentment, no anger. Just anticipation and respect. I think, I've finally learned.
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