Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
Public Corner Time
My Lord disciplines me regularly. I have a smart mouth and a stubborn streak about the width of a five lane highway. I truly want to curb these tendencies, and so He is very strict with me. Last night, for instance, he asked me a question and I gave a flippant answer. I ignored his warning look. He asked what I did all day (he was just curious) and I answered with: What difference does it make?
Yep. That did it. We have rule. He doesn't wait to discipline me. He does it immediately, even if we are in public. Thankfully, we were at home this time - in our front room. He will spank me with whatever he has available. His belt, a rolled up magazine, his hand, a wooden spoon. In anticipation of my poor behavior, My Lord has prepared and placed various implements in discrete locations in every room of our home. A wooden paddle in a kitchen cabinet, a cane leaning against the fireplace. Tonight, though,he is satisfied with his hand. Oh, and did I mention I must be nude during all discipline sessions? Or as close to nude as possible if it is in public (Yes, he has pulled my skirt up, lowered my drawers and spanked me on a park bench before. He shows no mercy aside from warming up my bottom before the real spanking begins. Twenty swats - ten on each cheek and I'm crying, weeping, begging forgiveness. Finally he stops, rubs my bottom but tells me he has a special corner time planned for me. I nod, but I'm not nervous. Standing in a corner? big deal. I'm not afraid of a corner. Corners don't bother me a bit. Then, reality hits me and I realize he is well aware of this so he must, indeed, have something "special planned.
And he does. I'm still over his lap and I hear him open the drawer to an end table. He fingers my bottom hole and I feel something cold enter it. I squirm and plead. He shushes me and places a hand on my lower back. I feel a cold hardness enter me and I tense up. He smacks my bottom again and I relax and the anal hook enters my hole. He gathers my hair into a ponytail, ties it and then ties the other end to the top of the hook, ensuring that I cannot bow my head. Then, he stands me up. I have tears running down my face and when I reach up to wipe them away, he catches my wrist and loops a rope over it. He then walks me to the large picture window and I panic. I pull against him and he gives me a look which stops me cold. I try to look down, but my tied hair stops me. He attaches first one wrist then the other to the hooks hidden behind the curtains.
For fifteen minutes I must remain here - in my "special" corner. Luckily, we live on the third floor of a lovely condo building, but three floors is not high enough to hid my nakedness from the public. If anyone happens to look up, they will see me in all my shameful glory. My bottom is throbbing, my anus is plugged, I cannot bow my head and my face, I'm sure, is redder than my ass. My Lord is a master disciplinarian.

For fifteen minutes I must remain here - in my "special" corner. Luckily, we live on the third floor of a lovely condo building, but three floors is not high enough to hid my nakedness from the public. If anyone happens to look up, they will see me in all my shameful glory. My bottom is throbbing, my anus is plugged, I cannot bow my head and my face, I'm sure, is redder than my ass. My Lord is a master disciplinarian.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Friday, December 26, 2014
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Submissive Power
Yay (not so much). Christmas with the relatives. His relatives. They look down on me since I don't have a college degree, am an artist and treat my Man with obvious respect. Luckily, Man knows this and is preparing me for the day. First, I show and shave - everything. Once finished, he holds a towel for me, rubs me dry and inspects my body. Any stray hairs he will tweeze out. I'm expecting this and very careful about my grooming. Today, however, he has a more intense routine in mind. He tells me the lie on the floor and hold my knees against my chest. I beg him not to do this, but he just raises his eyebrows. If I say my safeword it will end, but I don't. I do as he says, my face a bright red. He lubs my anus and inserts the tubing. A moment later I feel warm water enter me. Slowly. Finally, when I feel like I'm going to explode, he replaces the tubing with a large plug. I whimper, knowing craps will begin soon but that only he can release me. One of my hard Rules is that he will insert and remove any anal devices.
Now, he inspects my body and tweezes out ten or so odd hairs - naturally all in very delicate places. He rubs a lovely, soothing lotion over my body which smells like sugar cookies. At this point, I'm so wet and hot for him I'm almost in tears, despite the cramping of my bowels. He takes pity on me and allows me to worship his cock. Oh my god it's glorious. Hard, sweet with pre-cum, His scent pure power and musk. I devour him, taking his length down my throat, caressing his balls. I'm almost disappointed when he grabs my hair and pushes my head down, blessing me with his cum.
I lie on the ground at his feet for a moment, catching my breath. Gently, he helps me up, pushes me against the sink so I am bent and removes the plug. I fling myself onto the stool, humiliation washing over me as he stand there and watches as I eliminate. Once the first is over, he kisses me and tells me to stay put while he shaves and dresses. I nod, hiding my face in my hands as my body clears itself of unwanted materials. When he finishes, he tells me to clean myself up and meet him in the bedroom.
There, on the dresser, are the implements that will serve to remind me that He is my Man, and that his family has no right to look down on me. I will stand proudly next to my, my body clean for him, my anus filled by his hand, reminding me with ever movement that I please Him. Every time I see his belt, I will remember that my bottom, possibly even my thighs, bear His mark. When I sit, I will feel his Power and His touch. I will not be alone. This knowledge helps me to know I am loved, wanted, beautiful and powerful. This is why I have chosen my Man as my Dominate
Now, he inspects my body and tweezes out ten or so odd hairs - naturally all in very delicate places. He rubs a lovely, soothing lotion over my body which smells like sugar cookies. At this point, I'm so wet and hot for him I'm almost in tears, despite the cramping of my bowels. He takes pity on me and allows me to worship his cock. Oh my god it's glorious. Hard, sweet with pre-cum, His scent pure power and musk. I devour him, taking his length down my throat, caressing his balls. I'm almost disappointed when he grabs my hair and pushes my head down, blessing me with his cum.
I lie on the ground at his feet for a moment, catching my breath. Gently, he helps me up, pushes me against the sink so I am bent and removes the plug. I fling myself onto the stool, humiliation washing over me as he stand there and watches as I eliminate. Once the first is over, he kisses me and tells me to stay put while he shaves and dresses. I nod, hiding my face in my hands as my body clears itself of unwanted materials. When he finishes, he tells me to clean myself up and meet him in the bedroom.
There, on the dresser, are the implements that will serve to remind me that He is my Man, and that his family has no right to look down on me. I will stand proudly next to my, my body clean for him, my anus filled by his hand, reminding me with ever movement that I please Him. Every time I see his belt, I will remember that my bottom, possibly even my thighs, bear His mark. When I sit, I will feel his Power and His touch. I will not be alone. This knowledge helps me to know I am loved, wanted, beautiful and powerful. This is why I have chosen my Man as my Dominate
Monday, December 22, 2014
Public Display
I am a modest person. I despise dressing in any way at all that is provocative. I'm the one at the party who goes to the farthest corner and sips my drink so that I don't have to speak with people I don't know. I'm quiet and unassuming. My Lord, however, wishes to push my limits (which he SHOULD!) and has taken it upon himself to choose my clothing for me. He likes, very much, to "show off" my body. I hate this, but I love that he is making do it. He has decided that he will now punish me not by spankings - which I love - but by public displays of my body. If I perform well, he will then later reward me with a spanking. To further show my submission to him, he will plug by bottom and tie a cotton rope around my waist and slit which can be used for a leash if He desires, or He may choose to tighten it and keep me in bondage.

Luckily (bless the man!) he had me stand still for only a moment. I was able to do as he bid and then he led me by leash, my skirt hiked up to reveal my panties (thank God he let me wear those!) all the way back to the car. He brushed my tears of shame from my face and kissed me, telling me how proud he was of me. I smiled and a warmth of pleasure filled me. I had pleased him. Then, he asked if I were ready for my reward. Giggling a bit, I said I was. And oh, what a lovely reward it was!
Monday, December 8, 2014
You are Mine You
I will take you when and where I choose.
Know this. Your life is your own, as it always has been and always will be. I admire your intelligence, your smart mouth, your quick laugh. I admire your independence.
But know that you are mine.
I see you putting on your make-up to go out with friends. You will enjoy your evening, drink, flirt, but you will think of me. How do I know, Because of that plug I just put in your ass. Every move you make will send reverberations through your body and you will remember me. You will enjoy your evening, but I will always be with you.

When you perch on that bar stool, looking every so elegant in your black leggings, long red tunic, black heeled boots, sipping your wine and joking with your friends, you'll feel my hand. You'll remember bending for me and accepting the marks of my ownership, the marks you need and want. You will remember lying across my lap moments before you left our home. You will remember the feel of my cock, hard with desire for you, pressing against my belly while my hand warmed your bottom, turning the creamy whiteness a hot, hot red.
And when you come home, slightly tipsy, happy from and full of joy at your Girls' Night Out, you will tell me all about it and I'll laugh with you. I'll be happy also in your pleasure. Then, then, my love, I will take you to our bed. I may or may not remove that lovely plug from your now tender ass. You'll not even ask me to, knowing if I want it out, I'll take it. If I want it in throughout the night, that is where it will stay. You'll be wet and ready for me. I might take your mouth or you tunnel or your ass. I might fuck your tits and cum on your body. You and I both know, though, that I will take you however I want and in doing so, I will give us both what we need.
Know this. Your life is your own, as it always has been and always will be. I admire your intelligence, your smart mouth, your quick laugh. I admire your independence.
But know that you are mine.

When you perch on that bar stool, looking every so elegant in your black leggings, long red tunic, black heeled boots, sipping your wine and joking with your friends, you'll feel my hand. You'll remember bending for me and accepting the marks of my ownership, the marks you need and want. You will remember lying across my lap moments before you left our home. You will remember the feel of my cock, hard with desire for you, pressing against my belly while my hand warmed your bottom, turning the creamy whiteness a hot, hot red.
And when you come home, slightly tipsy, happy from and full of joy at your Girls' Night Out, you will tell me all about it and I'll laugh with you. I'll be happy also in your pleasure. Then, then, my love, I will take you to our bed. I may or may not remove that lovely plug from your now tender ass. You'll not even ask me to, knowing if I want it out, I'll take it. If I want it in throughout the night, that is where it will stay. You'll be wet and ready for me. I might take your mouth or you tunnel or your ass. I might fuck your tits and cum on your body. You and I both know, though, that I will take you however I want and in doing so, I will give us both what we need.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Black and Blue Friday
Here's the deal. I shop. I get FREAKIN' AWESOME deals. I use ALL of the money Sir has given me - $1,000.00 - to purchase gifts for our friends and family. I make it home by noon. If I am late, he will add to my Friday. He inspects my purchases. I tell him whom I have purchased each gift for and he counts. He has instructed me to purchase gifts for ten people. If he approves of the gifts and I have managed to buy for all ten, I will be rewarded. If I fail, I will be punished. I'm not sure which I want the most!
I am twenty-one minute late. I go to the dining room and arrange my choices before him. He nods is approval of all but one. His Father. I will need to take back the tie and purchase another that is more suitable. He asks if I am ready and I smile. I strip off my clothes - right there in the dining room. I move to the side table and position myself. I grip the edges of the table, assuming the position. twenty one for my tardiness and one the wrong gift purchase.
I hear the wind whip as the cane slices the air. I know I should relax. The pain will be less. The bruising will be less. I can't help myself. I tense my muscles and the cane strikes hard flesh.
I feel nothing. Then, a searing fire sears my flesh. I cry out and clutch the edges of the table. You tusk your tongue and sigh. You tell me that I need to relax yet you know I cannot. Not without your help. Still, you swing the switch and I endure three more stripes with a tensed bottom. The bruising will show well for several days. You ask if this is what you want and I respond honestly. I tell you to do as you please. I will accept whatever you choose to do without complaint.
So, you do. You finish my punishment. Twenty two stripes across my bottom and upper thighs. By the time you finish, I am a sobbing mess. I no longer grip the tabletop, but lie flat, exhausted, limp and melted. I will bear the marks for days. The welts, the bruises, the tenderness. I will not be able to sit without pain for days. You know this and are pleased. I slip bonelessly to the floor. You already have unzipped your pants and exposed your cock. Crying still, I grasp it. I kiss, lick, worship you, showing my devotion.You allow me this pleasure, fucking my mouth. You cum and I savour the seed of your pleasure. I'm still crying but I don't know if it is from the pain or the pleasure. You help me to my feel and take me to bed. You help me walk. Gently, you lie me on my stomach and I think for a moment that you will give me gentleness.
I'm wrong. You tie me - spread eagle to the bed. You kiss my bottom, abused as it is. Then, you tell me that my time is not finished. For twenty-two minutes I will be plugged. You hold before my eyes an enormous ginger finger, peeled, dripping with juice. I whimper and whine. I beg but you laugh. You spread my cheeks and push the fig into my anus. Hard. You hold it in place, making sure it does not slip out, despite the notch you have carved. I squirm and cry again. You ignore my struggles. My insides are on fire. burning. the juice searing my tender tissue. I sob, not even bothering trying to subdue my cries. This pleases you.
Finally, the timer goes off and you release the ginger from my bottom. Still the burn continues. I stop squirming after a few minutes and you insert one finger into my anus. I raise my hips as I am able, wanting more. You add another finger, another. another. You finger fuck me - four fingers in my anus. I beg you to let me cum, but you deny this. You pull your fingers free and force them into my mouth. You ask if I taste ginger and I say, honestly, that I do not. Then, you take me. You take my ass and fuck it. You do not make love to me. You fuck me hard, fast and I beg you for my own release. Graciously, you grant this. I scream and float on waves of pleasure and fill my bowels with your own sweet, sweet release.
Four days have passed and I my bottom is still black and blue. I smile each time I see my ass in the mirror, each time i sit and feel the sting, each time I see the heat in your eyes. I am blessed.
I am twenty-one minute late. I go to the dining room and arrange my choices before him. He nods is approval of all but one. His Father. I will need to take back the tie and purchase another that is more suitable. He asks if I am ready and I smile. I strip off my clothes - right there in the dining room. I move to the side table and position myself. I grip the edges of the table, assuming the position. twenty one for my tardiness and one the wrong gift purchase.
I hear the wind whip as the cane slices the air. I know I should relax. The pain will be less. The bruising will be less. I can't help myself. I tense my muscles and the cane strikes hard flesh.
I feel nothing. Then, a searing fire sears my flesh. I cry out and clutch the edges of the table. You tusk your tongue and sigh. You tell me that I need to relax yet you know I cannot. Not without your help. Still, you swing the switch and I endure three more stripes with a tensed bottom. The bruising will show well for several days. You ask if this is what you want and I respond honestly. I tell you to do as you please. I will accept whatever you choose to do without complaint.
So, you do. You finish my punishment. Twenty two stripes across my bottom and upper thighs. By the time you finish, I am a sobbing mess. I no longer grip the tabletop, but lie flat, exhausted, limp and melted. I will bear the marks for days. The welts, the bruises, the tenderness. I will not be able to sit without pain for days. You know this and are pleased. I slip bonelessly to the floor. You already have unzipped your pants and exposed your cock. Crying still, I grasp it. I kiss, lick, worship you, showing my devotion.You allow me this pleasure, fucking my mouth. You cum and I savour the seed of your pleasure. I'm still crying but I don't know if it is from the pain or the pleasure. You help me to my feel and take me to bed. You help me walk. Gently, you lie me on my stomach and I think for a moment that you will give me gentleness.

Finally, the timer goes off and you release the ginger from my bottom. Still the burn continues. I stop squirming after a few minutes and you insert one finger into my anus. I raise my hips as I am able, wanting more. You add another finger, another. another. You finger fuck me - four fingers in my anus. I beg you to let me cum, but you deny this. You pull your fingers free and force them into my mouth. You ask if I taste ginger and I say, honestly, that I do not. Then, you take me. You take my ass and fuck it. You do not make love to me. You fuck me hard, fast and I beg you for my own release. Graciously, you grant this. I scream and float on waves of pleasure and fill my bowels with your own sweet, sweet release.
Four days have passed and I my bottom is still black and blue. I smile each time I see my ass in the mirror, each time i sit and feel the sting, each time I see the heat in your eyes. I am blessed.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Friday, November 21, 2014
Fellatio training

I glowed with pleasure. He released one nipple and began to touch himself. I suckled the other ball and heard his moan. I ran my tongue around the delightful sacs, down his perineum, rimmed his bum hole and back up to his jewels. He pumped faster as I explored and to my joy, I felt the hot testament to his pleasure spray across my breasts. I wiggled and squirmed, needing my own relief.
"Now, my love, you know I will unlock you when I choose. Get cleaned up and dressed now."
Sighing, I did as he ordered. We left for work. He an authority of History and adviser to museums and me his assistant. Even though we work alone, renting rooms in a small office building close to the University, Sir requires professional dress and demeanor at all times. Well, unless he requires me for enjoyment or distraction. Today, I will remained fully clothed, but will be required to perform fellatio once every hour, on the hour.
As the day goes on, I find myself looking at the clock often, eager to perform my duty. I have found that if I relax my throat, I can take His cock deeply into my mouth and even down my throat a bit. I have learned to cup his balls gently, massage them, adore them. Now, it is almost time to leave again for home. It is a few minutes before the hour and he leads me to the elevator. i am surprised since i thought i was to again worship his cock. We enter the elevator and i hear the alarm on his watch. He looks at me, his eyes dark and then he raises his eyebrows.
"Oh, you will be punished for that question, love."
I hesitate again, for just a moment, then nod. He is right. I kneel in front of him and unzip his trousers. I begin my worship. I feel and hear the elevator stop. The doors open, but no one comes on. I blush to think that someone might see me, but i know my place and it is here. Kneeling before my Lord, serving his needs as he desires.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
"Are you comfortable?"
"Physically or mentally?"
Physically yes, mentally no.
"Do you plan on disobeying or refusing?"
"Why not?"
Because you request this of me and I want to please you.
"Even if you are embarrassed by the situation?"
Because my embarrassment will not harm me but this act will please you.
He smiled and i knew i was right. i hate this. i truly hate this. i am humiliated and terrified even though i know everything will turn out just fine. Still, He has never asked me to appear in public like this. True, i will know no one since I will be covered. Still, i've never had my pussy completely bare before, but
He has ordered me to shave and so I did.
He has ordered no underclothing, and so it shall be.
He has ordered that instead of panties, i will have rope tied to remind me of my allegiance to Him, and so i stand still as he adjusts the cotton rope which will serve as both my reminder and my lingerie for the day.
I dress. Professionally. i put on my black suit skirt and jacket. i button the jacket and add a scarf since i am allowed no blouse or bra beneath. The rope presses against the bud between my petals and i almost orgasm, but don't. He owns these and will tell me when i can cum. He sees my struggle and smiles. He pats my bottom and i sigh with pleasure.
Yes, Sir.
He helps me into the car and we drive to work. i am his personal assistant as well as his pet. i serve Him in any way he desires. Today, however, will be a challenge. He has a meeting with other professors to discuss testing procedures and i will be required to take notes, serve refreshments and hand out documents all while feeling His rope around me. May i pass this test!
"Physically or mentally?"
Physically yes, mentally no.
"Do you plan on disobeying or refusing?"
"Why not?"
Because you request this of me and I want to please you.
"Even if you are embarrassed by the situation?"
Because my embarrassment will not harm me but this act will please you.

He has ordered me to shave and so I did.
He has ordered no underclothing, and so it shall be.
He has ordered that instead of panties, i will have rope tied to remind me of my allegiance to Him, and so i stand still as he adjusts the cotton rope which will serve as both my reminder and my lingerie for the day.
I dress. Professionally. i put on my black suit skirt and jacket. i button the jacket and add a scarf since i am allowed no blouse or bra beneath. The rope presses against the bud between my petals and i almost orgasm, but don't. He owns these and will tell me when i can cum. He sees my struggle and smiles. He pats my bottom and i sigh with pleasure.
Yes, Sir.
He helps me into the car and we drive to work. i am his personal assistant as well as his pet. i serve Him in any way he desires. Today, however, will be a challenge. He has a meeting with other professors to discuss testing procedures and i will be required to take notes, serve refreshments and hand out documents all while feeling His rope around me. May i pass this test!
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Serving Sir
I wanted to surprise him today, but it seemed he was expecting me. I arrived at his office wearing a black dress, garter belt and stockings, heels. He simply looked at me as if i were expected, even though I had not told him I was even in town. Somehow, Sir always knows. First, he told me he had a meeting, which might be a bit tense, so he would appreciate my services to help relax the situation. This was not a request. It never is from him. Oh, he's a gentleman in all manner of words, so if I objected, he'd graciously accept that. But, I do not object. He knows I would not. The three men come into his spacious office. Sir has me kneeling on the floor and tells the gentlemen that as a prelude to their meeting, he would like to offer them the greatest of hospitalities. I keep my eyes lowered and hear the men laugh. One man asks if Sir will participate and he says no. Before he consents to do business with any of them, he wants to see how firmly but gently they handle themselves. They may do as they please unless he stops them, but he will watching for certain behaviors.
I gasp at this, but do not move. Soon enough, the three men are on me. Two men strip immediately, but one stands before me and places a hand beneath my chin. He asks if I would like to unzip him. I nod and do so, then take him into my mouth. The other two stroke themselves as they wa
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
No Quarter given nor asked for

When he recovered, he had more plans for me. He had me stand and walked me out into our woods. There, he cuffed my hands behind a tree and tied me in place. The rough bark irritating my tender bottom and cool breeze raising goose flesh. Once in place, he scolded me fiercely for my wanton ways. He then pulled out a small container from his pocket and my eyes widened. Wasabi. He grinned wickedly and placed a small dab on my nipples and my clit. The fire shot into my nerves immediately and i bit my lip to keep from screaming. Tears fell down my cheeks and he continued to scold me. He took out his cock, hard and lovely and perfect. He rubbed himself, masturbating in front of me. i cried more. I hated not being able to touch him, but this, I knew, was justified. He came quickly, spraying my body with his seed. Then, he sat. He just sat in the grass and watched as i struggled with the humiliation of my exposure and the sting of the wasabi his cum drying on my skin. He glanced at his pocket watch and smiled again.
I knew, today would be a long, beautiful day. No quarter given. Nor asked for.
Monday, November 10, 2014
A Good Master

He not hesitate in this act of discipline since to do so would be disappoint her. He has taken the responsibility to set expectations and to enforce them. To do less would be to disrespect her desires. She is, after all, a grown woman who knows her mind. She desires your firmness and expects your enforcement. She needs your firm hand to lead and reassure her. If she didn't accept and expect your right to do this, she would never have agreed to be your slave.
You, Sir, have a duty to mark her as your own. To do less is to disrespect the trust she has placed in you. Your responsibility to her is endless, as is her love for you.
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