My Lord and Master has given me to Sir as a Christmas Gift. I couldn't be more pleased. This is my second day with Sir. Last night, after worshiping his cock, he untied my ankles and let me curl up next to him. He played with the bells clipped to my nipples while he relaxed and watched a bit of television. Each flick caused my nipples to burn and the bells to chime and my pussy to tighten. Finally, he ordered me to his bed. He tied me, my legs spread, my hands above my head, to his bed. His mouth devoured my tender buds until I screamed and begged. He laughed at my distress then, with a nipple caught between his teeth, he gave permission. I exploded with pleasure. He sucked off one clip and I screamed again. He gave me permission to cum at will as his gift to me. Then, he sucked off the other clip. He reached down, fingered me pussy, dipping deeply into my honey.
Ready for me, Slut?
Yes, Sir!
First, give me a number.
Panting, I answered. 8.
Eight it is. He opened a drawer and pulled out a soft flogger. I almost fainted with desire.
I heard the swish then felt the sting. Eight times he flogged my pussy, each stroke harder than the last until, by number 7, tears ran down my cheeks.
That's it. Cry for me. I want your pussy and your face wet.

I screamed. Stroke 8 felt like fire across my wet, delicate, swollen flesh. He gave me no time to catch my breath before he entered me, driving his hard cock deep within my womb. I clenched around him and came again, bright colors exploding from my eyes. Harshly, he fucked me. No mercy. He took what he wanted and within moments emptied himself - not in me as I so wanted, but on me, his sweetness burning my tummy, by breasts.
Slowly, he untied my hands and ankles. He kissed me gently and re-tied one ankle to the bed, leaving a good five feet of play in the rope.
Now, G, I'm tired. I'm going to give you your nightly spanking and then we are both going to sleep. I will spank you until you cry every night because I know you need it. But rest well, because for the next 7 days, you will be naked, leashed, tied to my bed, spanked, tweezed, shaved, fucked in every hole, flogged, fisted, figged. Your ass will be plugged at all times unless you need to relieve yourself. I will be your world and I will do anything else I desire. You will speak only when I ask a question. You are mine. Understood?
Oh yes Sir.
He flipped me over onto my stomach. He lifted my hips and placed several pillows beneath me. His hand came down on my bottom. Hard. fast. Punishing. I gasped at the pain, at the pleasure. I squirmed and he held me own with one hand on the small of my back. I bi my lip and held onto the sheets. I did not cry easily during a spanking, but he was right. Unless I cried, I felt unfulfilled. Crying was my sign of total submission, giving, release. Again and again he spanked me. Soon, he began to pant. Pain clouded my vision, but I began to feel a tight coil inside of me release, ease. I floated and gave myself over to him. Warmth covered me more securely than any blanket.
Then, he was holding me. Crooning to me, kissing my tear stained faced.
That's it my precious G. Cry it out. Relax, honey. I'll hold you until you until you sleep.
This is going to be a very, very good week.