Ginger Myths:
1. Gingers have a fiery temper.
2. Gingers are hot in bed.
3. Gingers gain one freckle for every soul they steal.
4. Gingers have no souls
5. It is impossible to tame a Ginger.
6. Gingers are unpredictable and dangerous.
7. Gingers are witches.
8. Gingers will burst into flames in the sunlight.

Speaking as a Ginger, I'd like to address some of these myths. Number 1.
Gingers have a fiery temper. Sometimes true, but who doesn't. Treat us with respect, consideration and we will do anything for you. Our loyalty is as unfailing as our passion (again, I'm speaking for myself here). I bow my head before no one, even the One I love. Nonetheless, I
will go on my knees before him. I will anoint his body with kisses. I will honor him as he wishes me to because not he has earned my respect by giving the same to me. I will bear no only my entire (and yes, I do mean ENTIRE) body for his use and pleasure, but I bare my soul to him as well.
Number 2:
Gingers are hot in bed. umm. Yes. This is true.
Number 3:
Gingers gain one freckle for every soul they steal. Not true at all. We do not steal souls. Souls, hearts, devotion are all freely give to us by those who love us. We take nothing, we simply gratefully accept the gift of love and admiration.
Number 4:
Gingers have no souls. Total poppycock. See above.
Number 5:
It is impossible to tame a Ginger. Define "tame." And seriously, would you really even
want to tame her natural exuberance, creativity, spirit? But to answer, yes, a man can tame a ginger. To do so, he must be kind, firm, clear in his expectations, patient, consistent but able to adapt to her changing moods and willing to dig deep enough to discover that fine line between glorious consequences for misbehavior and revenge inducing punishments. Once he has uncovered her needs, she will strive to please him and accept correction at his hand.

Number 6:
Gingers are unpredictable and dangerous. Aren't all women? Can you say hormones? I'm going through a "magical" time of life right now and I can't even predict what my moods will be, if I will be hot or cold, if I will laugh or cry. I freely admit this makes life quite challenging for my One, but again, patience and caring enough to see warning signs and to know me well enough to know what I need has played in his favor. A few nights ago I was crabby, unhappy, sad and angry at the world for no good reason. You know what he did? He ran a hot bath for me and lit pretty candles in the bathroom while I was pacing back and forth muttering about various unpleasantness. Then, he handed me a glass of my favorite wine and kissed me. He told me to go take a bath and relax. He expected nothing of me that night. He simply held me in his arms as I went to sleep. The next day - I couldn't have felt more loved and cared for. I made him a cake. See - not dangerous at all.

Number 7:
Gingers are witches. Only if we want to be. Personally, I do. I love the basic tenet of Wiccan - DO HARM TO NONE. Seriously, who can argue that that isn't a good thing!! I admit, I don't always follow this belief, but I try to. I also have a deep and abiding respect for nature and try as much as possible to use natural, chemical free products. I think I'm rather a kitchen witch. I mutter little "spells" (which are really no more than prayers) as I cook. I want the food that I prepare for my friends and family to nourish them, but also to bring them joy in the flavor and texture. After all, eating is without doubt a very sensuous activity.

Number 8:
Gingers will burst into flame if exposed to the sun. Well, this is kind of true. I can be outside in the bright sunlight for about 10 minutes before I start to burn. I've learned to be protective of my skin - using 100+ sunblock when I'm outside for long periods of time. My moisturizer and make-up all have sunscreen in them and I have added sunscreen to my hand lotion as well. I've suffered from blistering sunburns numerous times and have no wish to do that again. Besides, my One likes the fairness of my skin tone and so do I.
(Disclaimer: None of these photos are of me.)
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