Warmth and sunlight filter through the trees, heating her bare skin. She is beautiful, bound to the tree, naked, raw, primitive. I brought her here for this purpose. To be closer to nature - her nature. Vulnerable and open. She is mine and much as I am hers. She will do anything for me. Even this. I know her arms are tired, but she will say nothing. She will not beg or wiggle or move until I get just the right shot of her. She will give herself up to creating the beauty that I desire. I saw in her eyes when she let go of her control, her tension and put herself totally in my possession. It took a while to break through her city made barriers, but neither of us was willing to give up. After this weekend, she will be happier - we both know this. She will be more centered, softer. She will remember she belongs to me and that I love and protect her always.
She fixes dinner over the open fire - a simple stew. The next morning, I do no spank her. I take her into the woods and tie her to a tree, back to me. I flog her back, her bottom, her thighs, her cunt. She cums quickly and I laugh. Then, I fuck her. She is tender and sore, I know, but so very soft and pliable. I pull out and cum on her ass. Then, I release her, only to turn her around and re-tie her. I want to capture this moment. I leave her alone for a few minutes while I head back to the cabin to get my camera. She opens her mouth to object, but catches herself and closes her lips.
When we first got to the cabin, before we even left the car, I made her undress. She did so, knowing that clothing is forbidden to her here. I own the property for miles around. The woods, the lake, all of it. No one comes here without my knowledge and permission. She knows she's safe. She can let go here. The first thing she did was start a fire in the fire place while I unloaded supplies from the car. The hearth is old style. There is no running water here, no electricity, no indoor plumbing. Truly, this cabin is snug, but reflect a time gone by. I keep 5 gallon jugs of water in a small pantry. She has a good fire going now and I add water to the cauldron so that it can heat for bathing. Once it is warm, she washes herself, shaves, and then washes me as well.
Then, I sit before the fire and pull her over my lap. I rub her round globes then softly, gently begin to spank her. Still, she does not speak. Nor will she unless to answer me or ask a direct question of me. We are silent so that our bodies and speak rather than our minds. I check her slit and feel the wetness gathering. She's ready for more so I slowly spank harder. Within a few minutes she is panting and I can see her thighs glistening. I continue, noting the tension of her shoulders still. Minutes pass and I am relentless. Her bottom is bright, bright red now. Hot to the touch and finally, finally her shoulders slouch and relax. I stop, soothe her bottom. She stands as do I. I kiss her tear stained face. Then, she bends, grasping the seat of the chair. I take her, encasing myself in her warmth and wetness. She tightens around me and I fuck harder. She explodes around me and I fill her with my seed. We cuddle a bit, nap, repeat the process.

She is beautiful, bound to the tree, naked, raw, primitive. I brought her here for this purpose. To be closer to nature - her nature. Vulnerable and open. She is mine and much as I am hers. She will do anything for me.