
Sunday, April 19, 2015


I find my peace in the same place everyone else does. My mind. I find peace and acceptance of myself with knowledge and belief. I serve my Sir with love and trust and true abiding respect. I lead my life with dignity, seeing that the needs of my Love and my family are met before my own. Still, I put on my own oxygen mask first. I eat well, rest well, laugh often. When I close my eyes at night, I am at peace. Yes, I screw up. Yes, Sir disciplines me and yes, I love that. No, my life is not perfect. I get frustrated, cuss, cry, become depressed. I'm a person, after all. Still, I'm at please - mostly. Why, because I love with my whole being and this brings me peace and happiness. I was born to be a nurturer and that is what I am. Doing what I was born to do - that brings me peace.

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